Sunday 16 October 2011


Football. *Sigh*
Up until this week, I've been crunching numbers every week. stacking up stats from a handful of different sites, charting them, and very systematically playing my Pro Line ticket accordingly. I've been doing pretty OK with this, getting 12 of 16 games for Pools for example, but not OK enough.
Usually I'll get something wrong in the one o'clock game too, so then the hope is gone and I wind up a little grumpy. I mean, all that effort, and then what do I have left? Football games but with no drinking (cause Im nursing), interrupted by quick Toopy And Binoo breaks (parents will understand that one), and trying to lay off the tailgate type food smelling so good in my kitchen (so as to lose the baby weight).
No fair right?
So this week, I reverted to the use of my old stats of choice. Once upon a time I played in some pools basing my bets only on three things. 1.Quarterback hotness - a score out of ten. 2. Team mascot battle winner. and 3. (the tie breaker) Jersey colour strength. Sometimes I may also consider that one team is just way better, or I might factor in home/ away. And if it's anyone against the Raiders, usually I'll bet against the Raiders just out of pure malice.
Any way, this was a way more fun exercise for figuring out picks. My husband even enjoyed it. Actually, he thinks I'm on to something about the hotness of QB. I mean look at Tom Brady, Brett Farve, John Elway, Dan Marino, Joe Montana....these men all score a good 8/10 by any standards. So, shallow as it may seem, I think that hotness should be a prerequisite (or at least a consideration) for all quarterbacks. If the organisations want to be all PC about it and make the decisions discreetly - fine. What do you think bar and restaurant owners do?? (Some resumes just end up in the circular filing cabinet, you know.) I mean what's the worst that could happen. A QB plays really badly but looks really good doing it. Fine. I wouldn't exactly be a first :)

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