Tuesday 18 October 2011

I Reserve The Right To Screen My Calls

Yes. I screen away and I am not ashamed to say it. Actually, if my husband is home, I barely hear my phone ring to screen it, to be perfectly honest. And there you have it. I do not feel any obligation to a ringing or buzzing phone call or text.  And to me email is designed for people like myself, who would rather be trapped in an elevator with a thousand moths than wear a Bluetooth, (actually that sounded kind of scary, maybe I would prefer the Bluetooth, but you know what I mean) so I actually take offense to people using email to get in touch with me "urgently", and then, say, showing up at my house, claiming to have informed me "twice already" that they would be here at 7 am.  As for letters, well, I know it's nice to respond, so I try, but life is busy, so it may take a little while.

To be clear, it's not that I don't want to speak to you if you call me.  I figure if I have time to talk, cool,  if not go ahead leave a message and when I think of it I will listen to them, and if at that time I feel like, or have the time to return your call, and if it's an appropriate hour to call you, then I will. Texting works better for me most of the time. In fact, we no longer have a land-line, because I never use it. My kids, bless their hearts, are crazy loud. Off the charts loud, really, ask anyone. So a text here and there is far more manageable as a mommy. My BFF and I only ever text                   unless there is an unusual calm to take advantage of.  

If you are angry that "every time you call I don't answer", first,  it's not every time- otherwise how could I know just how much I irritate you? Second, I'm very sorry you feel this way, I know that sometimes it can be very frustrating to not be able to get a hold of someone. And you may wonder, "why do I feel that this is my right?"....well I'll tell you. It is simple.  The reason is, because it IS my right. I pay for the services that allow me to communicate. Therefore, I decide how I use them. I am an adult, and I govern how I spend my time. If I think it is more important to play with my kids, than to chat (though I love a good chat), then it IS more important. I think.

By the way, if your frustration consumes you, and you just must speak to me because you are now concerned for my welfare, do NOT pop in!  Likely, my next rant will be about how much I loathe the pop in....
OK, fine, if you must. But don't beat on the door like the Gestapo, especially not if it's dark and there aren't any lights on, or if it's before 9 am. And for goodness sake, give a girl a minute to lay down her child, or put some clothes on before you bang on the door again. Peace.

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