Wednesday 26 October 2011

Quotes From Elway's World- Art Reflects Life

Today has been one of those awesome days when I want to just hug and kiss my babies to pieces. They are being so-o good it's almost spooky.

Elway was playing with play-doh all morning. Making 'rainbow mixes' (which my OCD self is now used to) and using this 100 piece cookie cutting set I got for $7! What a buy!

Anyway, he was particularly proud of a few creations as usual. Today's masterpieces were an egg, a music note, and a helicopter.

Elway: Mommy. Can I make a page for my art?
Me: Um, sure buddy. What do you mean make a page?
Elway: A paper. A page! With LETTERS!

I think I understand what he means just in time for his head not to pop off.

Me: Do you want to put your play-doh creations on a page and we can spell the words and write them down beside your art?
Elway: Yes!! That would be just lovely! (He gets this kind of talk from Jim obviously)
Me: OK, Bear.

I get the paper and he starts to sound out the words. We start with 'egg'

Elway: Eh-eh-eh letter 'E' is for 'egg'.
Me: Very good!! What comes next?
Elway: G-g-g- 'G" is next!!
Me: Awesome job. Now this is tricky... whats next after 'G'?
Elway: G-g-gz...'S' comes after 'G'...
Me: Nice try buddy. There are two 'G's.
Elway: Two 'G' and then 'S'?
Me: Well, if there is more than one egg, yes.
Elway: But you said two 'G's. Mommy...
Me: Two 'G's, but I meant eggs.
Elway: Eggs?
Me: Never mind that... let's do 'helicopter'. Great job on egg..

He takes a break from focus to play with the play-doh cut out of the helicopter while making the chopping sound of the propeller. Accidentally he drops it. I pick it up and as I do, the propeller busts and it kind of rips in half. I  try to piece it together to the sound of "AWW" in true disappointed tone. The look on his face turns to blame.... he thinks it's my fault... kind of.

Elway: It's broken....
Me: I fixed it, see?
Elway: No... it's busted!!
Me: It's a little mangled, but I think it's still great..

He is not thrilled, but accepts this.

Elway: Yes. May I have the marker, mommy?

Kay, I'm so excited by this!! He was doing great tracing letters in this wipe off book, and then he all the sudden 'did not want to anymore'... I know that if he says that to just drop it until he's interested again. Otherwise, it becomes something he 'never wants to do again'!

Me: Sure! You want the orange? Or blue?
Elway: Red!!
Me: Cool....OK. Whats the first letter?
Elway: H-h-h- .... 'H' is the first! Right?
Me: Yes.

And he prints it!!!!

Me: Wow! Thats amazing buddy! What an awesome 'H'!!
Elway: (Proudly) Next.
Me: What do you think?
Elway: H-eh-eh-eh...'E'!!

And he prints it!! It's a little big so far.. we are going to need another piece of paper.

Me: Thats the best 'E' you ever did Bear!! It's perfect!
Elway: Next...
Me: Helicopter...sound it out...
Elway: Hellllllll...'L'!!

He prints it. It is beautiful. I contemplate grabbing the camera but don't because thats silly... I will have the papers.

Me: Buddy, Im so proud of you. That is one nice looking 'L'!

All the sudden he starts quickly scribbling all over the page!!

Me: NO!! Bear?? Stop!!!!! Why? You were doing so great!?!

It is way to late now.He has scribbled all over the page. I am crestfallen. Like a mommy with no proof of her boys brilliance.

Me: Oh, Bubba... why did you wreck your writing? It was looking so good!
Elway: It fell off the page and got busted. Its a mangled helicopter Mommy. See?

I should have known. Should have known.

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