Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Reason I Can't Write

Whoa, is my Writers Block. Literally.

The last few days have had an overall anesthetizing affect on my creativity. Nothing is astronomically wrong or out of the ordinary, but there is a bit of a plague on my conscience. A few problems that, not to be cryptic, I cannot bring myself to air out to the whole world. (And by the whole world I mean the random handful of wonderful people who may or may not take the time to read this.)

This would be fine. I could just vent otherwise, and not write for a few days. I don't suffer from a gigantic guilt created by an even grosser ego that there is an audience out there being deprived by my absence. No, this isn't the dilemma. 

The problem is that I actually want to say the things that upset me. It's all stirring around in my heart and behind my eyes and coursing through to my finger tips just itching to be typed into this white rectangular Blogger post. I do not want to censor whether the words get to the source of my contempt. I desperately want to dish out the shit where it is due, but I have this deep rooted moral issue of trying to be nice, turning the other cheek, etc. I have always, always, tried to be 'nice' even while under attack. 

I really don't like confrontation, but I also can't stand getting treated like garbage. And truth be told, even writing a direct message to the 'source of my contempt' wouldn't change anything. I know this. Perhaps this is more frustrating than anything else. 

Anyway, everything else I try to write about is just dishonest. So I find myself not writing at all, and calling it 'writers block', when really it is most certainly not. It is a little winged and haloed version of me, sitting on my shoulder saying "You can't write that!!!!" doing the blocking. And the one in white? She isn't a writer. Hell, she hardly speaks.

So I am wondering, Writers, Anyone...Do you have some advice for me please? Where does a
blogger draw the line at what is public, and what is private? 

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