Tuesday 1 November 2011

Blogging Is A Funny Word

In my wildest dreams I never thought I would get such a kick out of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter, never mind use them effectively for event planning, communication and staying in touch with distant family and friends. I poo-poo-ed the entire internet thing, really. Wow, did I ever have my head up my ass!

Now, I find myself having a go at blogging. Funny word that. I know it's from 'Web Log' that it originated, but it's still a funny sounding word. Especially when you try to be taken seriously using it. Like the other day a pregnant-with-her-second friend asked me what it was like bringing home baby number two.  I said she should read my blog, because it is not something I want my son to hear me talk about. I am pretty sure that I simultaneously scared the crap out of her, and ruined my character in her eyes. She looked at me like, with this disdainful expression that said, 'why do you think that what you have to say is special enough for anyone to want to read it?'.

I have to admit, I can appreciate where she is coming from. I myself have wondered this. About myself, as well as some others.  

Okay. The one I was judge-y wudge-y about was a blog where the woman just took pictures of her extremely mediocre wardrobe on her average physique and commented blandly about her choices. She said things like that she "wore this dress to church but had to put a t-shirt under it so it was appropriate". It was the strangest thing because I couldn't stop looking and then I had to read the comments, because she actually had comments. Oh for craps sakes, here is the link so you can see for yourself. 

It is supposedly about fashion psychology but frankly, I found neither. And now I guess I'm being a bitch, but just look. And NO I am not plugging it on purpose.... it's more like I can't help myself. I'm so ashamed.

Oddly this sidetrack that I just rambled on about was kind of my point. Why would anyone want to read what I write? I am guessing this is a common question among writers. 

See? Now I fancy myself a writer, when just a few weeks ago, I was someone who used to write! Then I was someone who wants to write. This is all happening so fast :) Now I am working on several projects at once and blogging as well... and it's great to be writing again. It really is! However, a little daunting. 

I check out all these blogs from writers, and others as well, and I think they are fantastic. Then I read the comments. Wow criticism can be rough! And people are so single minded, and heavily opinionated! The tongue lashings I've read in the past weeks could cripple even the sturdiest ego. 

Fortunately, I am expecting the worst. My outlook on the world is usually sunny, I look for the beauty in everything, but I expect others to find fault with me. It's the way I was raised. 

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