Tuesday 8 November 2011

Quotes From Elways World - There Is Still Light

My Seasonal Affected Disorder has fully kicked in, with a little help from the time change.

There has been some other upsetting B.S. as well, but realistically, I would normally let that crap roll off my shoulders. I am just not 100% myself.

I am doing my very best to stay upbeat, and the kids definitely help me out there. Isla is sunshine 90% of the time these days, and Elway, my meatball, though he's often a pain in the butt, cracks me up, even if only in hindsight. My kids are love, my marriage rocks, I really have no right to be grumpy, but it sneaks up on me every November without fail.

So upon return from the liquor store, under a thick grey blanket of fog, I am strolling with the kids in tow, and $36.00 in canned import beer. (The beer part is entirely unimportant, I am just looking forward to a Guinness after they are asleep.) Elway, is bewilderingly well behaved for a late afternoon trip anywhere, and I am focusing on that positive note, fighting the urge to curse at the sky that it is nearing dusk and not even 5pm.

Elway is singing the old Smarties theme, "..do you  eat the red ones last.." in a Vienna Boys Choir voice. *Sigh*

Elway: Mommy? When I get home, I want to build a giant robot that is so big that it can lift me up into the sky so I can see all the way from Elway's World to Auntie Kelly's house!"
Me: (Heart melting) Oh Sweetie! That's so nice! Mommy will tell Auntie Kelly right now.

Kelly is really my best friend and Elway just loves her and her kids. We don't get together enough. I text her, she texts back an "aw", and we keep going.

Elway: What does she say Mommy?
Me: She says she misses you.
Elway: I miss her too. So can we go home and build a giant robot?

I'm not sure why I had originally discounted that he would genuinely expect to build a giant robot, but I did.

Me: Well Bubba, we could make a craft robot, or maybe a Lego one...
Elway: Yeah, we could make a Lego one too. I want to make a really, REALLY big one Mommy!
Me: So you can see Auntie Kelly's house?
Elway: Yes and then I could ride on it's shoulders and get there really fast too. But I'd be careful not to bump my head on the sun.
Me: Well I don't think the sun will be the issue today, Honey...
Elway: The sun is hot, Mommy, it can burn my hair.
Me: Yes, but it's REALLY far away, and I don't even see the sun today, it's so grey out.
Elway: Of course it's sunny, Mommy. How else could you see me do this?

He waves his hand back and forth in front of a very silly grin on his face. I laugh out loud. He makes a very good point.

Elway: What?
Me: You are hilarious and awesome!
Elway: That's why I gotta go home and build a giant robot!!!
Me: Alright then! I'm hurrying!!

Oh my son. Far be it from me to stop him from building a giant robot. I just hope he asks my permission to go out for shoulder rides, and is always careful not to collide with the sun.

PS. Yes he is hanging out in Batman p.j.s  just because. And the pic of the sun- not mine, I stole it from http://www.solarnavigator.net/  just to shed a little extra light :)

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